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Unit Plan

Appendix I: Spanish

Language and
Level / Grade
1st grade Spanish
Approximate Length
of Unit
4 weeks
Performance Range
Novice Low
Approximate Number of Minutes Weekly
150min (30min/day)
Sports and the Body
Essential Question
How do you prepare for a (insert sport) game?
                                      Unit Goals
What should learners know and be able to do by the end of the unit?
Learners will be able to:
Perform basic actions on command (brush hair, put on shoes, wash hands).
Carry out short conversations about different sports.
Identify different parts of the body
                                        Summative Performance Assessment Tasks
  These tasks allow learners to demonstrate how well they have met the goals of the unit.
Ÿ The tasks follow the format of the IPA, but are integrated throughout the unit.
·  The template encourages multiple Interpretive tasks.
Ÿ The Interpretive tasks inform the content of the Presentational and Interpersonal tasks.
Ÿ The tasks incorporate 21st Century Learning.
Interpretive Mode
Simón Dice:
-commands given and students will act out sports/actions. Depending on students’ capabilities, they can take over as Simón.
Ex: Simón dice toquen la nariz. Simón dice jueguen fútbol.

Create a cuento:
Students will use their knowledge of sports and body vocab to create a story. I will provide a basic structuring, but students will fill in names, sports, etc. (TPRS)
Video- different people are asked and respond what their favorite sport is. Students will circle the corresponding pictures to match the sports they hear.
Presentational Mode
Interpersonal Mode
Students will look through simple Spanish books on famous sports players and pick one to present on. They will dress up using clothes provided and will tell us about their chosen player.

 “Yo tengo…. ¿Quién tiene…?”
-          Students will be given a flashcard with a picture of a sport. They will have to ask around to find the corresponding equipment/clothing (specified on card)
-          Once they find their match they will create a sentence using the two pictures
On Demand:
Go around the room and ask students basic questions about their favorite sports. Ex: ¿Cómo se juega el futbol? ¿Qué tipo de bola usas para jugar al beisbol?
(Sample Evidence)

Indicate the relationship between the product, practice, and perspective
Relating Cultural Practices and Products to Perspectives
Product:  What do you use to play your sport? (bat? Ball? Glove?)           
Practice: How do students play sports in other countries? Does their equipment change?
Perspective: Compare the two. How are they the same? How are they different?

Product: What sports brands are most popular in your country?
Practice: What are the most popular sports in Spanish-speaking countries?
Perspective:  Consider how your sports would be different if you switched countries for a day.
(Sample Evidence)
Making Connections to Other Disciplines
Acquiring Information and Diverse Viewpoints
Healthy living -sports and healthy habits
Math-numbers for score, fingers, etc
Science- basics of anatomy
Reading- 2-3 sentences on famous athletes. Focus on sounding out words.
-          Video shows different children in different cultures
-          Read books about famous athletes from different countries

(Sample Evidence)
Language Comparisons
Cultural Comparisons
Bola/ball           beisbol/baseball       
Futbol/football (UK)   
HSKT song melody and movements are the same
Similar favorite sports
Learn about how sports change
(Sample Evidence)
School and Global Communities
Lifelong Learning
Partner work for YtQt

Learn more about our classmates by learning their favorite sports
-          Learning how to research and present information
Connections to Other Standards
 CommonCore ELA- Reading: Literature, Reading: Informational Text, Reading: Foundational Skills, Writing, Speaking and Listening, Language

Can Do Statements
I can recognize the names of known sports
I can talk about what equipment and body parts are used in my favorite sport
I can ask/tell what sports I prefer. I can also give commands.
Supporting Functions
Supporting Structures / Patterns
Priority Vocabulary
Expressing preferences
Me gusta, mi deporte favorito es, no me gusta
-          Sports names
-          Sports equipment
-          Describing preferences
-          Body parts
-          Basic routines
-          Commands
Asking and telling how to play sports
¿Cómo se juega…? Usas… Llevas…
Identifying body parts
Tengo…, Lavo…, Toco…
Commands dealing with healthy habits
Cepíllate el pelo, ponte los zapatos, lávate las manos
Key Learning Activities/Formative Assessments
This is a representative sample of activities/assessments across the 3 modes of communication.
Learning Activity/Formative Assessment
(Sample activities are listed from the beginning
 to the end of the unit).
How does this activity support the unit goals or performance tasks?
Mode of Communication
Head, Shoulders, knees, and toes Song and Dance
Reviews spoken vocab and is an easy connection
TPRS story - Students help to fill in story with vocab and then answer questions about the created text.
Reinforces vocab
Simón Dice- Simon says
Commands/body parts vocab
Work together to create sentences in YtQt
Vocab usage
Technology Integration head, shoulders, knees, and toes

Computer/ projector for youtube videos
The majority of the unit will be hands on and interactive.
